5 gallon bottle rinsing filling capping line (3 in 1)

Name:5 gallon bottle rinsing filling capping line (3 in 1)

Product Description

5 gallon bottle rinsing filling capping line (3 in 1)

Línea de enjuague, llenado y tapado de botellas de 5 galones (3 en 1)

Garrafa de 5 galões (3 em 1) linha de fechamento de enchimento de enxágue


5 gallon bottle rinsing filling capping line (3 in 1)" alt="5 gallon bottle rinsing filling capping line (3 in 1)" border="0" /> 5 gallon bottle for pure water


This machine is used to fill pure water, drinking water into 5 gallon bottles. 

This machine has the function of washing bottles, filling pure water into bottles and capping. 

esta máquina se usa para llenar agua pura, agua potable en una botella de 5 galones

esta máquina tiene la función de lavar botellas, llenar botellas con agua pura y tapar

esta máquina é usada para encher água pura, água potável em garrafa de 5 galões

Esta máquina tem a função de lavar garrafas, encher garrafas com água pura e tampar


² This machine is specially customized for mineral water bottling (rinse-fill-cap 3 in 1) process.

²  When the sensor at the rear of the device detects the bottle into the filling machine, the machine drive mechanism begins to work and the bottle is sent to the first station for flushing. Transmission mechanism to stop working.

²  Equipment internal cleaning with independent control of the 2 rows 6 stations high-pressure washing, the end of the finished product with no water cycle to prevent secondary pollution, but also reduce production costs.

²  After the nozzle is aligned with the bottle, the flush pump starts to work. After the flushing pump has finished the rinse time, it will stop automatically. The drive sends the bottle to the second station, and then starts the second station cleaning process until the rinsing process is complete.

²  After the internal washing process is complete, the drive rotates the bottle 150 °, the bottle is on the slope, under the action of gravity, the bottle automatically falls off, the plastic bottle on the mobile device, the mobile device automatically push the bucket to the filling position.

²  Filling the pump to working, filling time can be fine-tuned (according to the actual situation adjustment)

²  After the filling is complete, the cylinder will push the empty bottle back and push the bottle, push the bottle into the cover cap station

²  The cover is made of centrifugal trim, with double chute and cover. Slide adjustable, strong applicability.

²  Cover requirements: cover diameter φ56mm high 35 mm, braid width 8 mm, braid height of not less than 16 mm.

For more details and quotation, please contact us, thank you. 



Mob.: +8613823412559 (whatsapp/wechat)


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